HomePoliticsAfter gaining popularity in the coastal region, Ruto returns to Mombasa for...

After gaining popularity in the coastal region, Ruto returns to Mombasa for a mega rally in Malindi Town.

The Kenya Kwanza campaign team will be taken to Mombasa and Kilifi counties today, March 27, 2022, for a series of political rallies to drum up support for William Ruto’s presidency. They will also sell the residents their Bottom up economic model.

As they travel through the region, the deputy president, William Samoei Ruto, will be accompanied by governor Salim Mvurya and Nyali member of parliament, Mohammed Ali. Aisha Jumwa, MP for Malindi, will lead a delegation of members of parliament, county assembly members, and regional aspirants in accompanying Ruto’s campaign team.

William Ruto, who held several rallies in Mombasa on Saturday, will use this opportunity to urge residents to vote for him and to reveal the benefits that coastal residents will receive under his administration. They will also rally support for Aisha Jumwa, who is running for governor of Kilifi county in the August general election on Ruto’s UDA ticket.

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