Jimmy Kibaki is the late President Mwai Kibaki’s son. Today’s service is currently taking place at Nyayo stadium, where Kibaki’s family and other invited guests are present.

During his speech, Jimmy Kibaki thanked President Uhuru Kenyatta for everything he has done to ensure the late Kibaki event is a success. Jimmy Kibaki stated that President Uhuru Kenyatta has been with them since his father’s retirement from politics, even assisting Kibaki where he was stuck. Furthermore, Jimmy stated that his father left a legacy that all other leaders should follow in order to accomplish what Kibaki did not accomplish during his tenure.
He went on to thank Deputy President William Ruto, who has also been with them throughout this ordeal. What are your thoughts on Jimmy Kibaki’s speech at Nyayo Stadium? Please share your thoughts in the comments section. A YouTube link video with full evidence of what Jimmy Kibaki said is provided below.