Following the explosion of confirmed reports that Wiper Party Leader Hon Kalonzo Musyoka has defied Azimio’s alleged agreement that bars political parties from fielding candidates in the Coastal region, ODM Party Leader Hon Raila Odinga has received some unfavorable news today.
According to the video clip, Kalonzo Musyoka and his ally Mike Sonko are shown receiving a hero’s welcome from thousands of Wiper supporters at Mononoke Ground.

Excited crowd (either paid youths or Wiper supporters) are heard and seen dancing anti-ODM songs while others can be heard saying “Yote inawezekana Bila Joho, yote inawezekana bila ODM,” a move perceived as an indication that Kalonzo is determined to give Raila a run for his money.
“Watu Ya Mombasa Habari Zenu? Baraka Kuwapea Shukurani Sana Kwa Kutukaribisha hapa Mombasani. Nimeskia mmesema mambo ya Joho na ODM Hamtaki, ” Kalonzo said amidst Sonko Chants from Residents.