Musicians in Kenya are free to release any style of music they choose as long as it isn’t offensive or morally deceptive. As a result, each new hit is assigned its own ranking based on how fans react to it. Music, as we all know, is part of literature because it is a sociological phenomenon linked to culture. Schools, particularly universities, offer literature-based courses and find it useful to administer tests based on current events.
Following this tale, we have a top musician named Xray, who has published a new song called “spangwingwi.” It was greatly appreciated, and Kenyans couldn’t stop saying it in their conversations. It means that no one should have authority over your life, and Kenyans have been using it for quite some time.

A top university, according to news published on Nairobi gossip club and other social media handles, asked students to clarify whether the sipangwingwi song is a poem or not. On that cat paper checking about the song, the school known as Masai Mara University was mentioned. This type of exam has prompted reactions online, as netizens see it as part of a trending topic that involves literature, thus they’re fine with it.