HomePolitics"The Election is Over," Former Chief Justice Mutunga Declares, Narrating OKA's Role...

“The Election is Over,” Former Chief Justice Mutunga Declares, Narrating OKA’s Role in Election Rigging

As President Uhuru Kenyatta prepares to pave the way for the incoming government that will lead the country beyond August, fresh troubling revelations about why the upcoming August polls could be rigged have emerged.

This comes after Former Chief Justice Willy Mutunga broke his silence this morning, providing further interesting insights on what is currently happening on the ground that would have a significant impact on the next elections.

In an interview with Citizen TV, the former Chief Justice said that the election was over. When questioned what he meant by his statements, Dr Mutunga stated that One Kenya Alliance (OKA) is a project set aside to play a big part in determining who will win.

He has also stated that the approach taken by the Kalonzo Musyoka-led alliance is not friendly, claiming that it makes elections very close and will readily allow manipulation.

“The Transformational Agenda movement is unaffiliated with any political party. OKA is a project, and the angle they are taking is risky since it makes elections very close and allows for election manipulation “Mutunga, the former Chief Justice, has stated.

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