Senator Susan Kihika of Nakuru is the latest member of the Hustler Nation Movement to protest the Handshake Government’s attempt to modify electoral regulations just months before the general elections on August 9th.

Hon Kihika questioned whether there is no limit to how far the Handshake people, whom she has referred to as losers, will go to undermine the people’s choice by rigging in favor of Raila Odinga, a state’s project as UDA supporters often refer to him.
Kihika noted that it is a purpose that will aid the IEBC in manipulating the election results, and hence requested that President Kenyatta refrain from returning the country to the 2007 era.
“Is there no limit to the level these losers will go to try and subvert the will of the people in their plan to rig in their project? It is retrogressive and is certainly meant to aid the IEBC manipulate the electoral process! State House, do not take this country back to 2007,” he said.