HomeNewsResidents of Laikipia and Samburu receive special news from the Kenya Defence...

Residents of Laikipia and Samburu receive special news from the Kenya Defence Forces.

Residents of Laikipia and its surrounds have received exceptional news from the Kenya Defence Forces. According to KDF, multiple boreholes are being built in Laikipia in order to assist most locals obtain water from a closer location in their homes.

KDF is also digging boreholes for the inhabitants of Laikipia so that they may get water more conveniently. It’s apparent that since joining the military as the commander, Kibochi’s main duty has been to push development efforts, particularly in places where they believe they are more vulnerable and neglected.

Remember that the KDF is apolitical, as they are unconcerned about who controls the country and are solely concerned with development. However, because they deal with their troubles in secret, it’s a matter of waiting and seeing what they’ll bring to other areas.

However, the decision to provide water to Laikipia inhabitants is a good one, as it is apparent that this would address the issue of insecurity. Remember that the majority of the people there are pastrolists who are mostly looking for water and pasture. Once you give them water, it’s obvious that they’ll have everything and won’t need to battle over resources again.

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