HomePoliticsRecap of President Daniel Moi's View On Raila's Leadership And His Humble...

Recap of President Daniel Moi’s View On Raila’s Leadership And His Humble Political Nature

Several Kenyans are looking forward to Raila Odinga’s presidency if the well-known Azimio La Umoja leader wins the next general elections in August. With two presidential candidates regarded frontrunners in the polls, the ODM leader is prepared to face off against his bitter challenger, Dr. William Ruto.

Hon. Peter Kaluma, a Homa Bay town member of parliament, has today posted a recap of President Daniel Arap Moi’s confession about Raila Odinga’s leadership. Daniel Moi, the second and longest serving president of the Republic of Kenya, previously confessed in a publication from the KANU government that the ODM boss’s political humility will one day lead him to the country’s top leadership.

If Raila Odinga wins the presidential election in August, Daniel Moi’s prophecy about Odinga’s leadership would be fulfilled. Not only President Daniel Moi saw Raila Odinga’s leadership qualities, but many Kenyans believe that Azimio La Umoja’s presidential candidate is most suited to lead the country.

Some Kenyans also resorted to the comments section to share their thoughts on the Member of Parliament’s tweet. Some of the reactions are listed below.

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