President Uhuru Kenyatta and Deputy President William Ruto preached about ‘yangu kumi yake kumi’ when they met. They were excellent friends who were set to go far together, but what happened between them is unknown, and the two are currently acting like the worst foes ever.

President Uhuru Kenyatta and Deputy President William Ruto have been engaged in a furious verbal sparring match in recent days, and when questioned about her thoughts, Martha Karua, who appeared agitated by Uhuru and Ruto’s behavior, joined them together and encouraged them to quit.
They’re both wrong, according to Martha Karua, to take their squabbles to the public. She went on to suggest that the President and his Deputy must find a way to work together under minimum conditions, and if they can’t, they should both quit and return home so that the public may elect new leaders.