Kenyans killed by their relatives are on the rise in the country, with the government unsure what to do to combat this scourge that has bedeviled our country.

According to reliable reports from Meru County’s Daily Nation Newspaper, a man was arrested this morning on suspicion of murdering his 86-year-old mother.
The 51-year-old man from Kasarani Village in Igembe North in Meru’s vast County of Meru is described as a notorious loner who rarely interacts with anyone.
According to neighbors, Isaac Ntongai mercilessly flogged his mother on the evening of the night she died, and the neighbors heard her begging him to spare her life.

The woman is said to have died that night, and the man buried her in a shallow grave with his wife under mysterious circumstances.
When questioned about what happened, Isaac Ntongai claimed that his mother died after a long illness and that she even blessed him and his child before she died.