HomeNewsNetizens with Mshwari Loans Will Face Failure To Register Their Simcard By...

Netizens with Mshwari Loans Will Face Failure To Register Their Simcard By April 15th

The Communication Authority (CA) issued orders requiring all Kenyans who own a SIM card, whether from Airtel or Safaricom, to re-register it. The process is being carried out in all Safaricom and Airtel stores across the country. To register, every Kenyan must have his or her own National Identity (I’D). The process will conclude on April 15, 2022.

Kenyans are concerned because the registration period is short, with only six days to register their lines. Because some areas are so remote and lack Safaricom stores, most people must travel to cities for the process.

If you do not register your line on time, your Simcard will be blocked and you will be unable to use it; alternatively, you can visit a Safaricom shop to register, but you will have to pay for it. Safaricom has yet to announce the fee for unregistered citizens.

Those with Mshwari loans will have their names forwarded to CRB. It is best to register your lines as soon as possible before the deadline.

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