Mukhisa Kituyu has questioned Mudavadi’s promise to Dp William Ruto that he would deliver 90 percent of the Luhya votes.
Dp Ruto had promised him a position as chief prime minister if he received 70% of western votes if they won the elections.

Mudavadi, the ANC party leader, and Moses Wetangula promised to deliver not 70%, but 90% of the votes cast.
Mukhisya, dubbed the “Western kingpin,” has dismissed Mudavadi’s promises to Dp Ruto. He claimed that Mudavadi is incapable of delivering votes and is only lying.
“I was Mudavadi’s presidential campaign manager in 2013, and I helped him garner the 400,000 votes he needed. If he promises to get 70% of Luyha land votes but only gets 20% of Maragoli votes, he will lose “”How can he be lying?”

Mukhisa Kituyu resigned as Secretary General of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) in order to pursue presidential ambitions in 2021.