Caleb Amisi, a fervent follower of Raila Odinga and a Saboti Member of Parliament, has criticized Deputy President William Ruto, claiming that he lacks foreign friends. Amisi alleged to delegates at the Azimio La Umoja movement consultative gathering in Vihiga county that the second in command is exclusively buddies with MPs Didmus Barasa (Mp Kimilili) and Oscar Sudi (Mp Kapseret), both of whom have no international outlets.

“You want to be the president of Kenya yet your friends are Sudi and Didmus. You cannot lead a nation yet you have no international friends,” Amisi said.
He insisted that Dp William Ruto is joking about the president since it elevates you from a normal leader to an international figure.
“Being a president of Kenya is not being an MCA, is not being an MP, senator or governor. It is not being a woman repsentative. It means that Kenyans have given you the power to either make peace with nations or go to war with other nations,” Amisi explained.
According to the outspoken Mp, only ODM party leader Raila Odinga has what it takes to move Kenya to the next level in terms of economic transformation, and he has no faith in Deputy President William Ruto.
“Raila has the charisma, vitality, power, professional acumen, and political background that Ruto lacks. Raila is the only one capable of revitalizing our economy. If there was ever a time when Raila’s presidential campaign gained overwhelming support, it is now “Amisi stated.