Jackie Matubia, a well-known Kenyan actress, recently gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Jackie Matubia revealed that she chose natural birth over Caesarean Section because she did not want to have a C-section. Jackie, on the other hand, admitted in her labor and delivery video that she had nearly given up and was reconsidering going to the theater. Jackie stated that she had to be induced twice because the pain she was experiencing was excruciating.
Jackie, on the other hand, left the hospital and is now on full-time maternity leave to care for her newborn. Jackie has received an outpouring of love and support from her friends and family. Milly Chebby and Terence paid Jackie a visit while she was still in hospital.
Jackie has also posted pictures of her father holding his grandson on social media. Jackie has revealed that her parents also came to see the new baby. Below are screenshots of Jackie’s post.