His Excellency Raila Odinga, the leader of the ODM, made a major announcement today about what he plans to implement if he becomes the next President of Kenya, prompting many Kenyans to respond in kind.

According to Azimio La Umoja, the presidential candidate, all civil servants will continue to work for his administration as their sole source of income. He has claimed that under his administration, he will enact legislation prohibiting all public servants from owning other types of businesses, such as engaging in business activities or the like.
Furthermore, he has stated that if a government employee considers going into business, he or she must resign from the government and be replaced by other Kenyan job seekers. He then stated that this regulation will affect all sectors, including the political and other government dimensions, and that no one will be spared.

Kenyans, contrary to his expectations, have argued that Raila’s intentions will be ineffective, arguing that in most cases, public servants rely on side hustles to survive. As a result, they have advised Raila to abandon the manifesto in order to avoid losing many votes, particularly from victims (public servants).