Township of Garissa Aden Duale, a member of Parliament and former majority leader of the National Assembly, has reacted to Nairobi County’s gubernatorial candidate Polycarp Igathe’s recent remarks.
According to TV47, the Member of Parliament for Garissa was speaking live on Saturday at his Garissa residence, where he had hosted a meeting with transport industry workers. He emphasized how Jubilee’s candidate for Nairobi’s top seat was profiling the Somali community, despite the fact that Igathe says in a viral video that the Somali community is only a minor part of the City hall cartels.

Furious at the remarks, Aden Duale demanded that the Nairobi gubernatorial candidate apologize to the entire Somali community. “Wewe ni mtu mkabila na Nairobi ni ya kila mtu wakristu kwa waisilamu,” Aden said.
Which means he is tribal, and Nairobi county is home to people of all religious backgrounds, from Christians to Muslims.
Regardless, Aden Dual wants the National Cohesion and Integration Commission to look into Igathe’s comments.