If there is no conflict, a country is good at maintaining peace, yet war does occur from time to time. For many years, Al-Shabaab has been assaulting Kenya, killing numerous Kenyans. The Alshabaab stormed Lamu a few weeks ago, killing numerous people.
Some victims were shot, some were set on fire in their homes, and others were hacked.
The Kenyan government has attempted to reduce the frequency of attacks by purchasing vehicles that can be used by the Kenyan military to combat the Al Shabab.

These cars are extremely strong and costly, as they cost a large sum of money. Kenyan security agents have made every effort to find numerous locations throughout the country that may be vulnerable to attack.
Because of the presence of Boni forest, among other places where Alshabaab could hide, Lamu county is at a disadvantage.
Due to well-placed, non-slippery wheels, the vehicles purchased can reach any location.
The vehicles’ bodies are likewise bulletproof, preventing any gunfire from reaching the soldiers inside.