HomeNewsAnglican Bishop Charged with Sexual Harassment in Church

Anglican Bishop Charged with Sexual Harassment in Church

Anglican city Bishop Joel Waweru has been charged with sexual assaulting a woman by attempting to kiss her without her consent and touching her breasts.

He was charged before Kibera senior principal magistrate Derrick, who dismissed the two sexual assault criminal counts.

He did the crime on two separate days and times in Nairobi’s Lang’ata sub-county.

He sexually assaulted J.N.M despite the fact that such advances were not welcomed by J.N.M. In July, he attempted to touch her breasts indecently for the second time. Since then, he had assaulted the woman in 2018.

The woman was subsequently downgraded from parish vicar to archdeaconess to vicar, and her salary was removed when she was transferred from the church she was serving.

The bishop pleaded not guilty to the charges yesterday and asked for leniency from the board. He was released on $50,000 cash bail and the case was scheduled to be heard in a fortnight.

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