HomeNewsA KDF soldier stops a funeral procession for his mother and demands...

A KDF soldier stops a funeral procession for his mother and demands that they take a different route.

A Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) soldier blocked a convoy ferrying his mother’s body from a local mortuary for burial in Nyamira village in Kiminini, Trans Nzoia County.
Mr Bob Omusa Onduko halted the transport of Ms Penina Mongina Nyandiko’s remains by hanging upside down in front of the hearse.
According to a witness, the KDF officer jumped out of the car he was in and blocked the convoy.

Mr Onduko demanded that the convoy take a different route to their house.

The convoy was supposed to pass through Nyamira Primary School, but he insisted on taking the road near Nyamira Secondary School instead.

“I’m not going to let the convoy pass through here.” We must take the alternate route. “I will only leave the ground if you follow my orders,” charged Onduko.
Attempts by elders to persuade Mr Onduko to release the convoy so that it could return to their home were thwarted, prompting a group of men to grab and pull him away.

The KDF officer stationed in Gilgil added to the drama by attempting to prevent people from viewing the body.
“There is no body viewing.” To the surprise of the mourners, Mr Onduko yelled, “I will not allow anyone near the coffin!”
To prevent mourners from viewing the body, the man directed some youth to carry it inside the house.

Mr. Onduko’s wife added to the drama when she demanded that her dowry be paid before her mother-in-funeral. law’s

“Before we bury my mother-in-law, the dowry must be paid to my family.” “I lost my parents, but I have my uncles to accept the dowry payment,” the woman contended.
The turn of events prompted elders to call an emergency meeting to discuss the situation, and it was decided that the family’s only cow be surrendered to the in-laws.

“We had no choice but to let the woman’s family take the cow, even though it was intended to be feasted on by mourners,” an elder explained.

The funeral committee intended to slaughter the cow and feed the mourners.

Mr. Onduko’s actions have become the talk of the village, with some accusing him of ignoring his mother’s funeral.

“He has humiliated us as well as his deceased mother.”A villager said

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