HomePoliticsResidents of Kirinyaga are celebrating Martha Karua's nomination as Raila's running mate.

Residents of Kirinyaga are celebrating Martha Karua’s nomination as Raila’s running mate.

Kirinyaga residents were already celebrating before Raila Odinga finished his speech, so jubilation and celebrations were in order. Raila began by outlining Martha Karua’s service delivery history in both the private and public sectors.

Raila described his cordial relationship with Karua, which began in the 1980s, during a dark period in Kenya’s history. Raila also praised the former Gichugu MP who represented him when the government imprisoned him without charge.

Raila also stated that this was not only a Raila-Karua ticket, but an excellent opportunity for women to gain power and accelerate the two-thirds gender rule. The crowd at the event erupted when he announced that Karua would be his running mate, with songs of joy filling the air.

The duo are now expected to start campaigning tomorrow in their bid to succeed President Uhuru Kenyatta after the August elections.

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