HomeNews"Hatupangwingwi" among hate speech

“Hatupangwingwi” among hate speech

The National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC) has today shocked Kenyans with its move to ban phrases used to spread hate speech among the phrases being “hatupangwingwi” a common phrase used by the United Democratic Alliance Leader who is also the Deputy President of Kenya William Ruto and his team country wide.

Some of the words not mentioned by NCIC Boss

Who is the NCIC Chairperson Dr. Samuel Kobia like “jeshi” and “vijana fire” were not included despite their meanings this being phrases commonly used by the former Prime Minister Raila Odinga in his campaigns.

These are some of the measures taken by the Commission to ensure a decent campaign season and a peaceful post-election season, in comparison to wild words that were used before by politicians that contributed massively to the deadliest post-election violence in Kenya during the 2007-2008 election.

The following are words if any politician is found using will be held responsible for breaking the law: Hatupangwingwi, Fumigation, Kill, Uncircumcised, Eliminate, Madoadoa, Chunga Kura, Kama noma noma, Kwekwe, Mende, Wabara waende kwao, watajua hawajui, Kimurkeldet (Brown teeth), Watu wa kulinda kura, Operation linda kura, Otutu lobotonik (uproot the weed), mwiji, Watu wa Kurusha mawe, kama mbaya ni mbaya and Kihii.

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