HomePoliticsUDA Chairman Muthama Sends a Strong Message to Uhuru Over Cooking Gas...

UDA Chairman Muthama Sends a Strong Message to Uhuru Over Cooking Gas Price Increase

Johnson Muthama, Chairman of the United Democratic Alliance (UDA), has spoken out over the recent increase in cooking gas prices in the country.

Muthama has delivered a stern message to President Uhuru Kenyatta in the early hours of the morning, urging him to take action so that the situation does not spiral out of control.

The former Machakos County Senator has delivered a message to President Obama, urging him to stand up and cushion the poor as required by law.

He has claimed that the abrupt increase in cooking gas prices is a smack in the face to suffering households who are already dealing with high living costs due to high rates of petrol and diesel with minimal subsidies from the Handshake Government.

The UDA Chair has also stated that when the cost of cooling gas rises, the central bank may be obliged to hike interest rates, which will be detrimental to the overall economy.

“The rapid increase in cooking gas prices is a smack in the face to suffering households who are already dealing with high living costs due to rising petrol and diesel prices with minimal subsidies from the Handshake Government. Because of the high cost of energy, the central bank may be forced to hike interest rates, which will harm the overall economy. As required by law, the President must stand up and assist the needy “Johnson Muthama, Chairman of the UDA, stated.

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