In an ongoing effort to promote road safety through education, the Authority has increased emphasis on child safety as schools reopen in a week. The initiative aims to educate drivers, parents, guardians, and school-age children about the dangers of distracted driving.#FatalSix behaviors and school zone safety
The reopening of a school is a time when there is a greater risk because there are more students.Children on the road early in the morning and late in the afternoon when visibility is poor. Risk elements such as excessive speeding in school, unsafe school transportation, and a lack of children supervision while crossing the street, among other things, a lack of child-friendly road infrastructure are notorious for endangering the lives of school-aged children.

As schools reopen, we urge all drivers to slow down when approaching school zones and to keep an eye out for children walking to and from school. During this rainy season, being respectful and considerate of other road users necessitates drivers refraining from splashing water on those on the side of the road.School administration, for its part, should promote road safety throughout the year demonstrating fundamental road safety rules such as “Look Left, Look Right, Look Left Again”

During assembly time, the rule is We will instill a culture of safety in our children if we instill a culture of safety in them.Create a future generation of safe road users.
Furthermore, they should ensure that school buses are safe, roadworthy, and equipped with seatbelts, and that the drivers have the necessary training and experience to transport children.
As part of the Usalama Barabarani Programme, the Authority will continue to engage various stakeholders in supporting ongoing child safety programs.