HomeNewsThe Kind of Writings Seen On A Truck Transporting Fuel That Has...

The Kind of Writings Seen On A Truck Transporting Fuel That Has Kenyans Talking

Many Kenyan petrol stations have run dry due to a lack of fuel products such as diesel, kerosene, and petrol, causing many motorists and bodaboda operators to suffer across the country. Long lines have been observed in various Kenyan counties, beginning with Eldoret, Kisumu, Kisii, and Nairobi.

Kenyans.co.ke shared a photo of a petroleum truck ferrying fuel on a busy highway, eliciting mixed reactions on social media from Kenyans. According to the post report, several writings were discovered at the back of that Petroleum truck, causing a commotion. That truck was labeled breaking news, which piqued the interest of many Kenyans.

Reactions; Kenyans on social media have shared their various opinions and thoughts regarding that post, with some netizens condemning the government for failing to meet the needs of its citizens by not distributing enough fuel across different counties in Kenya. Other netizens praised the person who graffitied the truck for his or her higher level of creativity. Here are some of Kenyan netizens’ reactions:

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