Despite his age, Raila Odinga, the leader of the Orange Democratic Movement, charmed Kenyan hearts with his youthful stylist dressing code during the funeral and rally of his personal doctor, the late Dr Odhiambo Olel, in HomaBay county. He remarked that the engagement with the people of Ndiwa was fantastic.

Raila is nicely dressed in a youthful suit consisting of black socks, blue Khaki pant, sneakers with some color matching his trouser, white cap, and black long sleeved shirt with yellow and brown flower like patches, as seen in the photo. He is seated on a special chair reserved for him, which resembles a king’s chair.

With his clothes, he appears young, leading you to misinterpret his age as ranging from twenty-five to thirty-seven years, despite the fact that Baba reached seventy-seven years old this year. Many Netizens have expressed their opinions and reactions to this.

Mark:Luku safi baba.i like your code of dressing.