Charity Ngilu, one of Azimio LA Umoja’s supporters, tweeted today on her Twitter page, “David Musila and I are competitors in the Kitui Governor’s race, but we both have agreed to work together towards an unprecedented voter turnout for Baba @RailaOdinga because when Kenya wins, Kitui wins as well, regardless of who is Governor.” INAWEZEKANA.

Will posted on Twitter, “Kalonzo is still out there sabotaging Baba’s election campaign, and Mama Ngilu is working extra hard to ensure Rao wins. Thank you very much, Mama Ngilu.”

Fulani posted on Twitter, “Make sure you get enough votes in Mwingi North, @mamangilu and Musila, to allow Kalonzo to retire peacefully. I believe Kalonzo should concentrate on MCA or something similar!”

Frankline posted on Twitter, “You are a disgrace to the kamba nation; you have divided them by openly plotting to bring Kalonzo down rather than working together to promote a common agenda. You think you’re fighting SKM, but you’re actually fighting the Kamba nation, and you can’t match him because he’s the supremo.”