The manifesto launch appears to have painted this week’s profile, with Kenya Kwanza providing concrete facts on what they have in store for the country if they hit the target. However, the roots party’s leader and presidential candidate, Professor George Wajackhoya, has taken a different approach in presenting his manifesto to Kenyans.

He has vowed to suspend the constitution and run the country according to what the people want, not what the constitution wants. He has promised to deliver justice to all Kenyans, and that jail terms will be based on what you have done, rather than the usual practice of jailing someone for years for a minor mistake.
According to the leader, corrupt people will no longer have a place in Kenya. He has promised to hang them whenever they are mentioned as corrupt, and that there will be no mercy or pardons like we have had in the past.

His government will allow marijuana use in the country, ushering in a new era. He has preached about how profitable and medicinal the plant is. He has promised Kenyans that he will build an economy with enough money to support everyone.
All contracts awarded to foreigners will be canceled, and the process will be initiated. Kenyans are the ones who should benefit from these contracts. He has stated that under his government, everyone will be a tycoon in their own right.