Fuel has been a major issue for motorists and bodaboda operators across Kenya. Many counties, including Eldoret in Uasin Gishu, Kisumu, Kirinyanga, and Nairobi, have been experiencing gasoline, diesel, and kerosene shortages. His Excellency President Uhuru Kenyatta promised Kenyans yesterday that everything would be fine despite the current fuel shortages.

According to the most recent post shared on social media by modern cops Kenya, Kisii motorists today escorted a truck allegedly ferrying fuel to a 12 Km distance from the petrol station. The operators were cheerfully escorting the driver, knowing that they would fill their bodaboda’s fuel tank.
When they arrived, the truck driver disappointed them by saying he was looking for a gas station to fill and load the truck. The incident has sparked outrage on social media, with many claiming that the Kenyan government must take action.
Meanwhile, what are your thoughts?