Honorable Kimani Ichung’wa, a Kikuyu member of parliament, has responded angrily to the NCIC’s handling of Meru Senator Honorable Mithika Linturi’s case. He claimed that ethnic profiling, hate mongering, and wars are being drowned out by NCIC Kenya’s ears in Kenya’s interior. He went on to ask if they were expecting a call from the governor’s office. He stated that they are waiting to see how events play out.

Kimani Ichung’wa is one of the most outspoken Tangatanga legislators in support of DP William Ruto and his bottom-up economic development strategy, which he plans to utilize to empower the country’s poor after he wins the presidency. Professor Edward Waswa Kisiang’ani recently made similar claims, claiming that NCIC is only working for people who support the Azimio La Umoja agenda, rather than for the development of all Kenyans.

The whole problem, according to Kimani Ichung’wa, is intended to undermine DP William Ruto and destroy his good time, but he maintains that only time will tell and that he is confident that he will be Kenya’s next president.