The county government of Mombasa published new routes late last night, requiring vehicles traveling the island route to go a greater distance throughout the day’s operations.

Image courtesy of the author. Mombasa is depicted in this image.
For the next few days, vehicles on the island of Mombasa will be forced to utilize different routes as the county administration works on road renovations.
Matatu operators have chosen to hold protests against the new route, which will require them to use more fuel.
According to reliable reports and an eye witness video from Mombasa, the matatu operators have decided to stage the protests this afternoon.
Matatu operators have opted to halt operations, causing annoyance to passengers, as a protest against the new routes.
Police have not yet arrived on the area, and it is unknown how the authorities in the island capital would react to this latest move.
Do you happen to be in Mombasa right now? In the comments section below, let us know what’s going on.