HomePoliticsAhead of the election, Wajackoyah reveals what his son will not do...

Ahead of the election, Wajackoyah reveals what his son will not do in his presence.

New information has emerged this morning as a result of what presidential candidate George Wajackoyah revealed today. Wajackoyah’s manifesto has continued to elicit mixed reactions as Kenyans and political leaders continue to express their opposing views on the legalization of marijuana in our country.

Wajackoyah, on the other hand, stated unequivocally that the bhang will not be consumed in Kenya, but will instead be exported to foreign countries, with the proceeds used to pay off Kenya’s massive debt. As a result, Wajackoyah has stated that he will never, ever allow his son to smoke marijuana.

Many Kenyans were taken aback by Wajackoyah’s statement, wondering how it is possible to plant bhang while Kenyans refuse to smoke it. The question remains unanswered, especially after Wajackoyah revealed that he does not allow his son to smoke bhang.

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