HomePoliticsOngeri cautions Arati about the dangers of political chaos.

Ongeri cautions Arati about the dangers of political chaos.

Kisii county senator Sam Ongeri has apologized to individuals who helkled him and other politicians at a public assembly at Kisii stadium. Speaking at his Gesusu house yesterday, he urged individuals who bought alcohol for the kids to yell at their opponents to stop. “I have forgiven those who heckled me and pray to God to alter their hearts so that they can know how to keep the peace.” He stated.

Kisii Senator Sam Ongeri

Ongeri, a candidate for the Kisii County gubernatorial seat, read from Leviticus 2:19 about the significance of peace. He urged elders and youth to appreciate one another because that is God’s will. In reference to Simba Arati, athin veil said that those who sow violence will reap it, but those who display peace will be rewarded. The senator expressed concern for the community’s youth if hooliganism continues.

Simba Arati

He claimed that “several males in the county had abandoned their spouses who were languishing at home while they stayed and drank beer in pubs using subsidies given to them by phony politicians.” Unless it is stopped at the earliest stages, this capacity for shouting at others is likely to develop a culture of openly lashing political opponents in our community.

photo:Simba Arati and Sylivanus Osoro at the potential of political hooliganism.

Chris Obure, Sam Ongeri, Joash Maangi, Ezekiel Machogu, SimbaArati, and Oyongo Nyamweya are the candidates for Kisii County Governor.

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